The concept of a conundrum is a dilemma with no straightforward solution. The martial art, Ju-Jitsu, is “a system of close combat that can be used in a defensive or offensive manner to kill or subdue one or more weaponless or armed and armored opponents.” I’m no expert, so I’m going to simplify the concept of this warfare as “The Switcheroo.”  Heaven is free of conundrum’s; Earth is full of them. 

As Christians, we can be certain that God is in control of all things. We know that our salvation is based only in Jesus, not on anything WE do, say or think. And, we know we have been given the Holy Spirit, as our our guide, our empowerer, our helper, and our comforter. Sin is a certainty, too…in every single person, a daily battle. 

The church is God’s bootcamp and His fighting force. Our fight is not against flesh and blood enemies, but against Satan’s army. Satan’s most powerful weapons are lies. When the church advances with legalism, you could say we’re armed and, on the offensive, but there are lies from Satan mixed in. This gives Satan lots of victories. Now, the church is often fighting against the accusation that we are “unloving.” If being loving means we must be agreeable and affirming to everyone and everything at all times, it’s fair to say Christians are now on the defensive, and weaponless. This kind of “love” is mixed with lies and it gives Satan a lot of victories too.

Here’s the conundrum. Living for Jesus is messy. EVERY Christian WILL say or do sinful things in the process of trying to stand up for Jesus. Whether within the church or in the world, when Christians speak and act, they won’t do it perfectly and Satan will take ground. Then again, remaining passive, fearful, or in denial, can clear the stage to give big wins to Satan, too. How do we decide when to speak or act? Our relationship with the LORD is, most of all, personal. We need a Bible preaching church and close spiritual friends who hold us accountable. We must speak the truth to each other in love. We must continually humble ourselves, confessing our sins and beginning afresh. Yet, if we fall into pleasing people, rather than God, (people who think we should follow their convictions,) we will be “tossed to and fro.” Satan will have prime access to distract us, unbalance us and lead us into a “joint-lock, strangle or throw.”  #JuJitsu

The challenge to the church is to understand and live out 1 Corinthians 12:6 “There are different ways of working, but the same God works all things in all people.” We’ve got to trust God’s purposes in making us all different. What we need to do most is PRAY for each other. May we not be jealous or shamed by another Christian’s walk. Pray that we’ll be unified against Satan and be unified for truth, righteousness and the Gospel. Christ set us free! Let’s encourage and comfort one another on the narrow road as EACH of us looks to Jesus, the author and perfector of our lives!